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At Carniaflex, quality, safety and sustainability are fundamental in every aspect. The certifications we have obtained testify to our ongoing commitment to maintaining and improving the highest standards in our production and management processes.

ISO 9001: Quality Management

ISO 9001 certification demonstrates our commitment to delivering products and services that consistently meet customer needs. Through a structured and verified quality management system, the company ensures continuous optimization of processes and strives for excellence at every production stage.

ISO 14001: Environmental Management

With ISO 14001 certification, Carniaflex demonstrates its commitment to environmental sustainability. The company carefully manages the environmental impact of its activities by adopting sustainable practices and continuously improving its environmental performance. This includes efficient use of resources and reducing waste and emissions.

ISO 13485: Medical Devices – Quality Management Systems

ISO 13485 certification is specific to medical devices and ensures that products meet all regulatory requirements and customer expectations in terms of safety and performance. This certification is also essential for the Hi-Mec division, which manufactures high-precision components for the medical sector.

ISO 45001: Occupational Health and Safety Management

ISO 45001 certification reflects the dedication to employee health and safety. Carniaflex implements stringent workplace safety standards to prevent injuries and occupational diseases, ensuring a safe and healthy working environment for all its collaborators.

ISO 9001: Quality Management

ISO 14001: Environmental Management

ISO 13485: Medical Devices – Quality Management Systems

ISO 45001: Occupational Health and Safety Management

Continuous commitment

We are committed to continuously maintaining and improving our management systems, ensuring that we meet and exceed customer expectations, respect the environment, and guarantee the safety and well-being of our employees.