Dear user,
The Carniaflex S.r.l. (hereinafter referred to as “Carniaflex”) protects the confidentiality of personal data and guarantees to them the necessary protection from any event that could put them at risk of violation.
In this information, in line with that described in EU Regulation 679/2016 (hereinafter “Regulation”) we describe the types of data and purposes for which these are stored and processed.
Data controller
The data controller is
Carniaflex s.r.l. with registered office in
via Nazionale, 8 – 33026 Paluzza (UD)
email [email protected]
telephone +39 0433 775164
You can send requests regarding the protection of your personal data by writing to the email address or by calling the number indicated or via the dedicated option on the company website.
Collected data
The data collected by Carniaflex are
- Navigation data – Data concerning the user’s navigation on the site. By way of example, the IP of origin, type of software used for navigation, logs, etc.
- Personal data – Personal data concerning, for example, name, physical address, province or municipality of residence, telephone, address / s, etc.
- Data voluntarily provided by the interested party – Within the Website it is possible to fill in forms, through which requests for contact or information on products can be completed by way of example. In this case we ask you not to enter personal data that may fall within the types provided for by art. 9 of the Rules.
Carniaflex does not require the interested party to supply so-called “particular” data, that is, according to the provisions of the GDPR art. 9, personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or union membership, as well as genetic data, biometric data intended to uniquely identify a physical person, health data or to the sexual life or sexual orientation of the person.
Transfer of personal data outside the EU
None of your personal data collected will be subject to transfer, copying and / or recovery by Carniaflex outside the EU.
The data provided to the Data Controller is used to follow up requests for registration and the contract for the provision of the chosen Service and / or the Product purchased, manage and execute the contact requests sent by the Interested Party, provide assistance and fulfill legal obligations to which the owner is kept. Under no circumstances does Carniaflex resell your personal data to third parties, nor use them for undeclared purposes.
In particular the data of the interested party are processed for:
- Registration and contact requests and / or informative material – Personal data of the interested party will be used to carry out preliminary registration activities, to manage requests for contact information and / or information material and for the fulfillment of any other obligation arising.
- Computer security – The Data Controller, as envisaged by Recital 49 of the GDPR, treats, also through its suppliers (third parties and / or recipients), the personal data of the person concerned relating to traffic to a strictly necessary and proportionate extent to ensure the security of networks and information. The Data Controller will promptly inform interested parties, if there is a particular risk of violation of their data without prejudice to the obligations arising from the provisions of art. 33 of the Regulations concerning notifications of violation of personal data.
Legal Bases
Registration and contact requests and / or informative material – Legal basis is the fulfillment of the services related to the request for registration, information and contact and / or sending information material and compliance with legal obligations .
Computer security – Legal basis for such processing is compliance with legal obligations in compliance with the provisions of art. 32 of the Regulations, in addition to the legitimate interest of the Owner to protect corporate assets and system security.
Data retention
The processing of data will be in full compliance with the principles of confidentiality, correctness, necessity, relevance, lawfulness and transparency imposed by the Regulations for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data were collected and, in any case, no later than 10 years from their collection for the purposes of the Service or, in the case of purchase of Services / Products, for the time necessary for the execution of the contractual conditions.
Rights of the interested parties
We remind you that the rights of which the art. 15 and following of the Rules. At any time, you can ask Carniaflex, writing to Carniaflex s.r.l. via Nazionale, 8 – 33026 Paluzza (UD) or to the email address [email protected] or by calling +39 0433 775164 or via the dedicated option on the Website, of:
- receive confirmation of the existence of your personal data know the purposes of the treatment or their area of circulation and access their content
- update, modify and / or correct your personal data
- request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form, blocking of data processed in violation of the law or the limitation of treatment, to oppose for legitimate reasons to treatment, including profiling
- to oppose the processing of data for the purpose of sending advertising material or direct selling or for carrying out market research or of commercial communication
- revoke the consent, where given, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent given prior to the revocation
- receive a copy of the data provided by you and request that such data be transmitted to another data controller.
If you find a violation of your rights you can contact the competent supervisory authority pursuant to art. 77 of the Rules, the possibility remains of directly addressing the judicial authority.